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    Travel by Any Means Necessary

    Tag: Midland

    Wordless Wednesday: Canopy Walk

    Wordless Wednesday: Autumn Reflection

    Wordless Wednesday: Fall Bridge

    Fall in Michigan: Midland Canopy Walk

    The leaves had begun to change, it was a beautiful Saturday and I wanted to get outside. Hoping for extra color, we hopped in the car and headed north. I had heard about the Canopy Walk at Dow Gardens in Midland and was hoping that would be a great spot to do some leaf-peeping.

    There were two problems with my plan. Problem number one: the colors in Midland were not as vibrant as I expected. Both vibrant colors were seen on both sides of the freeway, but once we moved onto the back roads, we saw more green than I was hoping for. Problem two: everyone else seemed to have the same idea. The canopy walk was wall to wall people. Being that it opened earlier this year, this shouldn’t have surprised me, but you just can’t get a good forest experience with all those people around.

    Even though it’s advertised as a great way enjoy fall, the canopy walk is mainly in an evergreen forest. Even at peak fall colors, you won’t see a big difference on the canopy walk. My favorite part was exploring the pond area of the forest. Everyone was up on the canopy walk (left) so it wasn’t busy. There are even chairs to sit in and enjoy nature. I enjoyed playing with the floating leaves and the water’s reflection (top).

    Overall, we enjoyed Dow Gardens. At peak colors (probably this week) it will be breathtaking. I would love to come back and explore the gardens in the spring or early summer when the flowers are in bloom. I would like to come back with my flora loving family. If you would like to avoid crowds, the middle of the week is probably best.

    Thanks for stopping by! To read about some of our previous trips, click here. If you like my photos be sure to “like” my Facebook Page, follow me on Instagram! You can purchase prints on Etsy and Fine Art America. To see inside my camera bag, check out my Gear Page. For information about our new Guided Photography Tours, visit

    A Stop at The Tridge


    Road construction sure made it difficult to visit Midland’s famed three way footbridge known as The Tridge. The Tridge crosses the junction of the Tittabawassee and Chippewa Rivers. We were heading home from Up North and our usual route was full of construction, so we changed it up and took I-75. Midland’s visitor’s bureau must’ve shelled out a lot of money for ads, because I swear I had been seeing nonstop photos of this place and I really wanted to check it out. Once we got off the interstate, this is where things got tricky. There’s a saying that there are two seasons in Michigan: winter and construction. It really seemed true this weekend. Both the GPS and the street signs really wanted us to knock down some barricades to get to this famed bridge. After making several u-turns we finally looked at a map and figured out another way to go. After all, The Tridge has three ends, there has to be more than one way to get to it. We did eventually find a place to park and discovered the pictures I had been seeing really didn’t show how busy this place could be on a Sunday afternoon. I’m surprised I was able to take a photo without a ton of people in it. All-in-all, it made for an interesting photo subject and a great place to get out and stretch our legs. If you are in the Midland area, The Tridge is definitely worth a visit, just make sure you know several ways to get there, just in case.

    Thank you for stopping by! If you like my photos be sure to “like” my Facebook Page, follow me on Instagram, and Flickr! You can purchase prints on Etsy and Fine Art America. To see inside my camera bag, check out my Gear Page. For information about our new Guided Photography Tours, visit

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