Tag: tree Page 1 of 2
We recently had an unseasonably warm January day here in Michigan. It was so warm that I went out shooting without a coat! It was crazy. Because it was so warm we had several days of pure fog! You don’t often get fog in the middle of the day here, so I had to take advantage! We went to a local park because I was worried if we drove too far the fog would dissipate. I got some very cool, almost spooky images that day. I am very glad we decided to venture out and enjoy a warm, foggy day. It is now back to freezing temperatures and snow. How many days until spring?
About the Photo:
This was a single RAW exposure with basic edits and black and white conversion done in Lightroom. Shooting in fog is interesting because it takes out a lot of the distractions from the scene making it a much more minimalist image.
Camera Gear:
Nikon D3100 with 18-55 kit lens, handheld
Date Taken:
January 21, 2017
Thanks for stopping by! If you like my photos be sure to “like” my Facebook Page, follow me on Instagram, and Flickr! To see inside my camera bag, check out my Gear Page.
My work of the past few weeks has been rather uninspiring, so we’re going to hit the back catalog today.
This is not a perfect photo by any means, but I wanted to post it because it is an example of a planned shot. I wanted a shot of an aisle between trees, and then I went and got it. Sometimes in photography, one will grab his or her camera, go to a great location, and hope for the best; however, very frequently, the best pictures are those which one will consider in advance.
Good light for photography is a fleeting thing, and when shooting landscapes one doesn’t always have enough time to really get it right without forethought. Being familiar with locations and thinking of compositions in advance can be a helpful practice.
About the photo:
This photo was taken near our cottage in Paris, MI. In the upper part of Michigan’s lower peninsula, there tends to be a lot of trees that were planted in rows such as this. The Civilian Conservation Corps planted them this way. I do not know if these particular trees were planted by the CCC, but certainly this is typical to see.
Camera Gear:
Nikon D3100 with 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 lens.
Date Taken:
June 25, 2015
Thank you for reading. You can see my best work on 500px and can also find pictures of the “trying my hardest to be good at this” type on Flickr or Pixoto.
Also, be sure to like the Go See Do Facebook Page, and follow Ashleigh on Instagram and Flickr! Check out our Gear page to see inside our camera bag!
Wesolych Swiat means Merry Christmas in Polish. This is one of my favorite ornaments that hangs every year on my mother’s Christmas tree. As much as I would love to say it came over with my great grandparents from the old country, I’m pretty sure it was bought at Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland in Frankenmuth sometime in the second half of this past century. If you’ve never been to Bronner’s, it really is something to behold. Bronner’s is the largest Christmas store in the U.S. and close to Christmas it can be hard to find a parking spot in their massive lot. They have practically any Christmas decoration you could ever imagine and I’ve always loved the section with the international ornaments. If you’ve never been to Frankenmuth, you should definitely put it on your list of places to visit because there really isn’t anything else like it!
Thanks for stopping by! If you like my photos be sure to “like” my Facebook Page, follow me on Instagram, and Flickr!