When I saw the topic for June was street art, I was worried. This really isn’t a topic I photograph often. Before my last trip to Ludington, the only street art I’ve photographed was the post card painting in Key West (below). I remembered that when I visited Ludington last year, they were working on a park downtown with these vibrantly colored, locally inspired, murals. I had to stop and snap some photos for the travel challenge. I like this one, which depicts the SS Badger, the car ferry that transports passengers from Ludington to Wisconsin (Manitowoc, Wisconsin for you Making a Murder fans).

My mom & I in Key West
Thanks for stopping by! If you like my photos be sure to “like” my Facebook Page. I have started my summer photo a day project again this year. To make sure you don’t miss a single day, follow me on Instagram, and Flickr! To plan your visit to Ludington, check out VisitLudington.com.