Travel by Any Means Necessary

Category: Michigan Page 23 of 37

Wordless Wednesday: Frozen Landscape

Winter Landscape

Plymouth Ice Festival

Plymouth Ice Fesival
This year, I am attempting a 52 week photo challenge (whether I will stick with it to the end is yet to be seen). Week 1’s challenge was to tell a story using the  Rule of Thirds. While visiting the Plymouth Ice Festival I saw a saw my story. While there were some beautiful ice sculptures, it was almost hard to see them because it was so crowded. With this photo, I attempted to capture the penguin sculpture with the crowds and the festival tents in the distance.

About the Photo:
This was a single RAW exposure edited in Lightroom. The dreary day made for even, but dull lighting. All of my images lacked contrast so I increased the contrast and converted it to black and white. If I go to the festival next year, I want to go at night when the sculptures all illuminated with colored lights.

Camera Gear:
Nikon D3100 with 18-55 kit lens, handheld

Date Taken:
January 9, 2017

Thanks for stopping by! If you like my photos be sure to “like” my Facebook Page, follow me on Instagram, and Flickr! To see inside my camera bag, check out my Gear Page.

Wordless Wednesday: Milliken Lighthouse

Milliken Lighthouse

Detroit Institute of Arts

Diego Rivera Mural

This past week, I enjoyed the end of my winter break with a trip to a staple of Detroit culture, the DIA. The DIA’s collection is said to be among the top in the country. The building that houses the museum is, in my opinion, is as beautiful as many of the pieces inside. The historic Detroit Institute of Arts building opened in 1927 and is often referred to as a “temple of art”. One of my favorite parts of the museum is what is known as Rivera Court, which is home to a 27 panel fresco celebrating the industry of Detroit. The 360 degree masterpiece was completed in 1933 and was considered  by Rivera to be his most successful work (DIA). I love that we have something with such rich cultural and historical value in my home state.

About the Photo:
While visiting the museum, I figured I wouldn’t be taking many photos so I decided to leave my camera behind. Luckily, with my phone, I always have a camera on me because if I couldn’t snap a picture of this mural, I would’ve been very disappointed. This was shot with the native iOS camera app, but edited in Lightroom Mobile. I wasn’t standing very centered to the mural when I took this picture, so I did a bit of cropping to make that less obvious.

Camera Gear:
iPhone 7 – iOs camera app, handheld

Date Taken:
January 4, 2017

Thanks for stopping by! If you like my photos be sure to “like” my Facebook Page, follow me on Instagram, and Flickr! To see inside my camera bag, check out my Gear Page. To plan your visit to the DIA, visit

Wordless Wednesday: Bench at Sunset

Bench at Sunset

New Year’s Resolutions

Soo Locks

For 2017 I am continuing my resolution of going at least one place I have never been before. In 2016 I was able to explore so much of the beautiful Great Lakes State that I call home. I was so glad I was able to experience the Soo Locks of Sault Ste. Marie and experience all four of Michigan’s Great Lakes.

In 2017, I am hoping to for another epic summer camping trip. This time, I am planning to head down to North Carolina’s Outer Banks. I’ve been planning this trip using the road trip planner, Furkot. Back in ’08 we went backpacking in the Outer Banks, so I’ve been using Furkot to discover what new places we can discover while returning to a familiar destination. The current plan involves a night in Williamsburg, Virginia and two nights in Shenandoah National Park. I absolutely love planning trips. Its possible that I enjoy the planning as much as the travelling. Is that weird?

I am hoping to continue exploring Michigan this year as well. This year, I hope to spend some time exploring the thumb region, as that is one part of the state I have never set foot in. I would also like to spend some time at the most southwestern state park, Warren Dunes. I’m also hoping to get back to Straits State Park and spend a few nights under the lights of the Mackinac Bridge.

Where do you want to explore this year? Let me know in the comments or on social media! Thanks for stopping by! If you like my photos be sure to “like” my Facebook Page, follow me on Instagram, and Flickr! To see inside my camera bag, check out my Gear Page.

2016: Year in Review

The Big Spring

At the end of last year, I made the goal to go at least one place I had never been before and I think I accomplished that and then some. I explored many parts of my home state that I had never visited before. I explored many of the towns on the Lake Michigan shore. I traveled to the northern tip of the Upper Peninsula. I spent some time exploring the Sunrise Coast along Lake Huron. In the fall, I headed south and explored Kentucky’s Bourbon Trail.  I discovered a few places that I can’t wait to return to and one or two that I would like to make annual visits to.

I feel like I took some of my best photos this year. All that exploration gave me needed inspiration for my photography. I did some more portrait work and even shot my first wedding this fall! I learned a lot about lighting and have been dabbling with off-camera flash (Chris is still the expert in this, but I’m learning). I really put my focus on Instagram this year and it has been great to see some of my photos get over 100 likes. Its almost unbelievable.

On a personal note, I lost my beloved 18 year cat, Ebert this fall and that has been so hard. Months later, I still get teary eyed thinking about him. A few months ago we adopted another fuzz ball, Roary, who we are training to be an Adventure Cat and take with us on our various adventures. If you want to see pictures of him, I’m always posting photos of him on Instagram with the hashtag #roarymowers.

I hope that 2017 will bring more improvement in my photography. I would like to upgrade from my entry level gear this coming year. And of course, I hope to continue exploring. I wonder what new place I was discover next year. Stay tuned to the blog to find out!

Thanks for stopping! If you like my photos be sure to “like” my Facebook Page, follow me on Instagram, and Flickr! To see inside my camera bag, check out my Gear Page.

Wordless Wednesday: Carolers

Village Carollers

Holiday Nights

Village TreeThis Christmas Season, I was finally able to do something that I’ve wanted to do for as long as I can remember, attend Holiday Nights at Greenfield Village. Its a staple of the Christmas Season in Metro Detroit and I had never been! Holiday Nights begins at 6:30 and goes until 10:00 and those three and a half hours flew by! We rode a Model T and had a Christmas singalong on a horse drawn carriage. We  saw Santa and his reindeer. We listened to carolers, a fife and drum corps, and warmed up around the fire and enjoyed music from Michigan’s Troubadour. Some of the historic homes were open and were cooking period appropriate holiday meals and you can sit fireside and watch dramatic retellings of classic Christmas stories. The restaurants were open and additional tents were around serving holiday treats and warm beverages. They even have ice skating available, but I didn’t think that was the best idea with my camera, so we skipped it. The night ends with a singalong and fireworks. We went on one of the coldest nights we’ve had so far this winter, but between the warm houses and the various fires set up around the village, it didn’t seem that cold. I was truly surprised by how much fun we had. I think Holiday Nights will become part of our Christmas traditions for years to come! If I’ve talked you into checking it, be aware that tickets sell out weeks in advance, especially for Fridays and Saturdays before Christmas, so when they go on sale, I wouldn’t sit on the fence too long or you might not get the day you want.

About the Photo:
Honestly, I didn’t do too much to this photo. The painted look it has came from the fact that my lens was a little fogged up. Apparently when its that cold, putting your gloved hand over your lens (something I tend to do in crowds to protect my lens) fogs it up. Between that and the poor high ISO performance of my entry level camera, it actually gave the photo an interesting look. This was shot in RAW with basic edits done in lightroom.

Camera Gear:
Nikon D3100 with 18-55 kit lens, hand held

Date Taken:
December 18, 2016

Thanks for stopping by! If you like my photos be sure to “like” my Facebook Page, follow me on Instagram, and Flickr! To see inside my camera bag, check out my Gear Page. For more information about Holiday Nights, visit The Henry Ford.

Wordless Wednesday: Superior Sunset

McLain Sunset

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