Florence at Night

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The city of Florence casts an enchanting spell from the moment you arrive. As we strolled through the charming Oltrarno neighborhood, our home base for a few blissful days, the Renaissance romance of this Tuscan jewel enveloped us. With its winding cobblestone lanes, vibrant piazzas, and architectural masterpieces around every corner, Florence beckons you to embrace la dolce vita and lose yourself in her timeless beauty.

Uffizi Gallery

No visit to Florence is complete without paying homage to her unparalleled artistic legacy. We started at the world-renowned Uffizi Gallery, a treasure trove of Renaissance art housed in the former offices of the powerful Medici family. Tuesdays offer a unique opportunity – the gallery remains open until 10 pm, allowing you to savor the masterpieces in relative tranquility as the crowds dwindle.

Michaelango's DavidNext, we experienced the awe-inspiring presence of Michelangelo’s David at the compact Accademia Gallery. Though photos cannot prepare you for the sculpture’s sheer monumentality, a guided tour provides invaluable context, enriching your appreciation for this Renaissance icon. Book your guided tour of the Accademia on Viator! Florence’s crown jewel is undoubtedly the magnificent Duomo complex. We marveled at the intricate marble facades, the famous baptistery doors, and the cavernous interior adorned with breathtaking frescoes. While the dome climb offers rewarding panoramic vistas, the experience of simply standing beneath Brunelleschi’s masterpiece is humbling enough.

Frescoes in Florence's Duomo

For a different perspective, we trekked up to the Piazzale Michelangelo at sunset (top). This hilltop piazza rewards with sweeping views of Florence’s famed terracotta rooftops and the iconic Duomo, providing the perfect vantage point to bid “arrivederci” to this enchanting city.

Duomo Complex

In between immersing ourselves in art and history, we indulged in Florence’s celebrated cuisine. The hearty ribollita soup, luscious wild boar ragù over pappardelle, and the legendary bistecca alla Fiorentina (enormous T-bone steak) left us utterly sated. Be sure to sample the unsalted Tuscan bread – a quirky tradition born from historic salt conflicts – and the vin santo dessert wine with almond cookies for dipping.

While Florence’s cultural riches are endless, her true charm lies in wandering aimlessly, getting delightfully lost amid her captivating Renaissance splendor. As the famous quote reminds us, “He who goes to Florence and does not see the Duomo, does not see Florence.” But those who embrace the city’s enchanting rhythm will experience the very essence of Tuscan magic.

Thanks for stopping by! Check out our Go See Do Explore Podcast, available wherever you listen to podcasts. To read more about our Italian Adventure, check out our La Dolce Vita Trip Report. To read about some of our previous trips, visit my Trips Page. If you like my photos be sure to “like” my Facebook Page and follow me on Instagram! For my list of gadgets to make your travels easier, click here. To see inside my camera bag, check out my Gear Page.

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